Sunday 13 February 2011

How To Make An Origami Flapping Bird (Crane) - (Tutorial)

This is going to be the first guide to making an origami model so I decided to start with a classic, where I started. The simple flapping bird. This is probably the most well known form of origami, providing you with some of the basic folds and combining them. You will learn how to make a square base, how to make a bird base and then how to turn that into your desired flapping bird.

How To Make An Origami Flapping Bird (Crane) - Video

The way to make a flapping bird is to start with the square base. If  you are stuck on this post, click on the waterbomb base link and scroll down to find a video on how to make the square base. To make the square base, you will need to fold one diagonal, flip the paper over and fold both horizontals. Then pinch the corners which the diagonal joins up together whilst pinching the other two corners together. This should create a square shape which should be creased to maintain its shape. Then with the closed side of the square base pointing towards you, fold the whole shape in half and unfold to create a crease down the center. Then fold the top right and top left edges along this line. Repeat on the other side of the shape and then unfold them all. Fold over the bottom closed triangle. Then on that side, peel the top flap down, and press down to create a diamond shape. Repeat on the other side. On this diamond shape, there should be two free flaps at the bottom, fold each of these outwards at 45 degrees. Then unfold this and pull it through the gap between the front and the back so that it is concealed and repeat on the other edge. Choose which edge you want to be the head and fold down that tip of the sticking out flap Tuck it between the front and back of the flap so that it is concealed. Then fold the wing along itself on the edge closest to the head, making sure it is folded down as far as it is allowed and repeat on the other side. 

Now simply hold the bird's chest and pull the tail to make it flap, simple. It might not flap at first but giving it a careful tug normally frees it up a it.

The flapping bird is brilliant for entertaining small children and also for making quickly on the spot at a social gathering. The video, the pictures and the diagrams are all of my creation. This is the first origami tutorial I have posted and hopefully all others will be posted in a similar format.


  1. u r an origami genius!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! luv, moi?

  2. I am lovin' that ppl are taking a likeing to the ancient japanese art of orgami. Keep it up!
    Beiber gal is out, payce


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