Sunday, 20 March 2011

The World's Largest And Smallest Origami Cranes (Flapping Birds) - (Tips + Stories)

The World's Smallest Origami Flapping Bird (Crane)
The smallest origami crane ever made was made by Naito Akira, 82. he used special tools and a microscope to create a crane that was mounted on the end of a pin. The original sheet used was made of a thin film of plastic measuring 0.1mm by 0.1mm

The World's Largest Origami Flapping Bird (Crane)
The world's largest origami crane was made by Jim Mockford, it weighed in at 1,750 pounds or about 790 kilos. It was 215 feet high.

1 comment:

  1. It's was amazing..
    I need your help to share my skill too..
    Check out my video on youtube..

    Or my blog
    Thx :-)


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